Art by Colville-Andersen

What started with impatient drawings and occasional acrylic paintings in the early 1990s, soon morphed into full exhibitions from 1996. It was then I found the materials that would use - and rarely deviate from: plaster on wood. My father was a plasterer and the scent of his clothes after a hard day of work is firmly implanted in my olfactory memory. The texture continues to thrill me.

There was a flurry of exhibitions in Denmark between 1996 and 2002 where, to my surprise, most paintings were sold. I wandered into other creative pursuits but kept up the habit of making crappy sketches. In 2017, I was yanked briefly back into the game with a dual exhibition in Reykjavik. And in late 2023, another hand grabbed mine and pulled me firmly back into art. The SNAFU* exhibition took place in Kyiv in March 2024.

I didn’t come to Ukraine to make art. But living here in a war zone with constant missile attacks… let me tell you… this war made me need to make art. Art and art therapy is a medicine and this series is directly and completely influenced by my experiences in Ukraine.

The Kyiv Snafu* Works

The Kyiv Snafu* Drawings

  • FML (2023)

    I met this old, strong woman in a bombed suburb of Chernihiv in 2022. She showed me her destroyed home and how she lived in her garden shed. She didn’t know who would help her rebuild. Her husband died before the full invasion - she was glad he didn’t live to see it all. She cried. FML… a woman like that, at that age, should never have to cry.

    Text: “I dunno, I was kinda just hoping to die in my sleep in a Motherland that was free and where my only worry is a bad harvest, but at least my husband didn’t live to see all this, but I miss him so much.”

    Ink, pencil, blood on paper (22.5 x 32.5 cm) 2023.


  • Unpopular Opinion (2023)

    A friend of mine said this to me in 2023. I totally understand it.

    Ink, pencil on paper (20.3 x 30 cm) 2023


  • Trying to Keep it Together (2023)

    Drawn during a missile attack on Kyiv. In my apartment in Podil.

    Pencil on paper (20.5 x 30 cm) - Drawn during missile attack in Kyiv.


  • War Baby (2023)

    Drawn during a missile attack in Kyiv.

    Pencil, ink on paper (22.5 x 32.5)


  • Conception (2023)

    Drawn during a missile strike in Kyiv.

    Ink, pencil on paper (22.5 x 32.5 cm)


  • I'm Good With That (2024)

    Drawn during a missile strike in Kyiv.

    Ink, pencil on paper (22.5 x 32.5 cm)


  • Missile Strike Therapy Baby (2024)

    Drawn during a missile strike in Kyiv.

    Ink, pencil on paper (20.5 x 30.2 cm)


Random Previous Works

  • Unfuckwithable (2021)

    Ink, acrylic, plaster on wood. (100 x 100)

  • Love Me Forever (2000)

    Ink, acrylic, plaster on wood

  • Zusammen (2002)

    Private Collection

    Ink, acrylic, plaster on wood (100 x 100)

  • Fuckjavik (2017)

    Ink, acrylic, plaster on wood

  • Genius Loci (2017)

    Ink, acrylic, plaster on wood 50x50

  • Metropolis

    Ink, acrylic, plaster on wood

  • City (2017)

    Ink, acrylic, plaster on wood

  • ByStadBorgByurKaupunki (2017)

    Ink, acrylic, plaster on wood

  • Stad (2017)

    Ink, acrylic, plaster on wood

  • Urbs

    Ink, acrylic, plaster on wood

  • City (2017)

    Ink, acrylic, plaster on wood

  • Selected works from 1996

    Plaster, papier maché, watercolor, acrylic on wood

  • Selected works from 2002

    Plaster/acrylic/ink/watercolor on wood

  • Selected works from 2000

    All in private collections

    Plaster/acrylic/ink/watercolor on wood

  • Bronze Age Techno Buddy (1996)

    Ink, acrylic, plaster, papier maché on wood

  • Navigare (1994)

    Ink, watercolour on paper

  • Waiting for Gouda (1994)

    Acrylic, watercolour on paper

  • Cornered (1994)

    Ink, acrylic on paper

  • Cornered2 (1994)

    Ink, acrylic on paper

  • Mother Earth (1994)

    Ink, watercolour on paper

  • Self-portrait (1994)

    Watercolour on paper

  • Future Mirror (1995)

    Ink on paper

  • Juliette (1991)

    Ink on paper

  • Chloe (1991)

    Pencil on paper

  • Storm (1990)

    Acrylic on paper